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About the artist - Brian Barneclo

 Brian Barneclo is a San Francisco based artist.  He graduated with a fine art degree from Indiana University in 1995.  In San Francisco he got into sign painting and this went on to influence his unique style which blends a street sensibility with an art historical background. Barneclo's creative world extends from muralist to fine artist to designer. 

Systems Thinking

Systems thinking is the process of understanding how things influence one another within a whole. And then how these whole systems interdepend on other whole systems. Each whole system is simply a part of a larger system. Why is this relevant?  When we understand our bodies as complex systems made up of many cells and see that each body is part of a family and each family a part of a community which is part of a society which is part of humanity we can see that indeed it IS all connected.  This understanding provides a natural model of how the universe is ordered on a whole- as above so below.

Intersection for the Arts

Established in 1965, 'Intersection' is the oldest alternative non-profit art space in San Francisco.  Intersection produces and presents new and experimental work in the fields of literature, music, theater and the visual arts.  Intersection's artists regularly provide classes and workshops to the local community. Intersection also maintains an incubation program for emerging literary, visual and performing arts groups.


This project was made possible with donations from the Adobe Foundation, Docker's, Mission Bay Housing Partners, Kevin King and Meridee Moore, David Baker and others.  

Who commissioned this project?

In 2008 Brian Barneclo first noticed the huge red-brown wall near 7th and Townsend Streets.  It needed to be painted and he needed to paint it. After receiving permission from the Crescent Cove building owner he raised funds, and did outreach in the Mission Bay community and SF city planning over the course of three years before he started painting in 2011.

How long did it take?

Barneclo with the help of R.B. Morris III spent fourteen days over the course of three weeks in August and September of 2011 to complete the painting.  The project was first conceived in the summer of 2008.  It took roughly three years to secure permits and funding to get the project rolling.